5 Tips for Managing Election Anxiety

5 Tips for Managing Election Anxiety: 

  1. Do Your Part: Vote, Donate and/or Volunteer to Your Individual Capacity & Ability

    DROP THE GUILT. If you are not eligible to vote, contribute in the ways you can. If you do not have money to donate, contribute in the ways you can. If you do not have capacity to volunteer, contribute in the ways you can. There’s a theme here: despite our limitations, we can all do something. When compounded, small actions lead to big results. Plus, taking action feels good.

  2. Make an Election Night Plan that Feels Supportive & Healthy

    Do you want to participate in a watch party with others? Do you want to eat a warm meal at home & cozy up on the couch? Do you want to plan a time to take a quiet walk, or commit to turning off the news cycle & start your regular nightly routine? Plan in advance what you’ll eat, drink, & do to support yourself.

  3. Catch Yourself when Future-Tripping or Catastrophizing

    If you find yourself venturing into “what if” territory, you are outside of the present moment & current reality. Imagining worst-case scenarios is not protective or preventative.

  4. Take Intentional Media Breaks

    This means committing to stepping away from the news cycle and social media. Get outside, care for your plants, cook a meal, make something with your hands, or play with a pet or child to remind yourself there is more keeping this beautiful planet spinning than our human-constructed political systems.

  5. Remember: You are Equipped to Live in Your Integrity Regardless of the Outcome

    You can treat yourself and your community with care & compassion no matter the elected official. Your ability to take positive action towards change will continue far beyond this election.


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